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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Joshua -- Side sleeping

Joshua had a rough day today. He spit up a lot at his 7:00 a.m. feeding, then again at his 10:30 a.m. feeding. When I put him down at 11:15, he seemed fine for about 10 minutes, then the crying started, then escalated. I tried to comfort him, to no avail. I tried to put him in his little "pod" next to me (I was trying to nap), but he was still unhappy. He was squirming and looked uncomfortable. He had a dry diaper, had been fed, had had a lot of interaction with me and Jon. So, I brought him into bed with me and let him cuddle on his tummy snuggled up to me. He still squirmed some, but finally settled in. But he never slept, and kept losing his paci. I finally put him next to me on the bed, and snuggled him where he was on his side, with his paci in. He contentedly fell right to sleep. We slept for 30 minutes, then I changed him and he ate 4 oz of formula. He gobbled it down. We had a great wake time. We did some exercises to help him fart, which made him smile, and we did skin-to-skin time. He was so happy and content. Then I laid him down and he started screaming again. Finally, I tried to wedge him in where he was on his side. He seemed to really like that. He slept like that for about 20 minutes. Now he's awake again. I don't think the wedge is holding him on his side very well. But I think if he gets situated well, he may prefer side sleeping. It just seemed like he was the most unhappy when he was on his back.

He cried just now for 12 minutes. 12 seems to be his magic number.

He slept for two minutes and started crying. I am so frustrated.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Welcome to my new blog, "Sojourns".  Many people ask me about my journey to health, fitness and wellness.  I thought it would be fun to share my journey in blog format; so I've designed this blog entitled "Sojourns".  Come back periodically and check out my posts.  Thanks for reading!